HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Update 2 Technical Reference Guide

i. Add a Run Script task to the job by clicking Add >> Run Script.
j. Ensure that the Run this script option is selected.
k. In the box below Run this script, enter the following command:
net stop opensshd
net start opensshd
l. Select the Windows option in the In which OS would you like to run this script? section.
m. Click Finish.
2. Drag this event and drop it on the target system where you want OpenSSH to be configured.
Related procedures
Installing OpenSSH
Initial ProLiant Support Pack Install
Creating an OpenSSH task through the CLI
Creating an OpenSSH task through the CLI
Perform this procedure to create an OpenSSH task through the command line using the mxtask command
in two ways:
Entering all parameters through the command line
Entering all parameters through an .XML file
NOTE: Tasks created from an .XML file are disabled when viewed in the task list. Tasks created from the
command line are not disabled when viewed from the task list.
Creating an OpenSSH task
1. To see how to enter the information correctly, export an existing OpenSSH task.
a. Create an OpenSSH task. See “Installing OpenSSH” for more information.
b. Save the task as SSH Task.
2. From the command line, execute the following command:
mxtask -lf "SSH Task" > ssh.xml
The ssh.xml now contains the format required to create an OpenSSH task from the command line. The
following is an example file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<task name="Install OpenSSH 1" type="manual"
owner="admin" state="enabled">
<toolname>Install OpenSSH</toolname>
<scheduleinfo />
<timefilter />
<?xml version="1.0"?>
414 Tools that extend management