HP Systems Insight Manager 5.2 Update 2 Technical Reference Guide

Null pointer exceptions seen on HP-UX 11.23 during a upgrade from 4.2 when debugging is turned on.
SQL duplicate errors occur when you perform an upgrade or replace a MIB that already exists
because the code does an insert without searching the database, therefore, generating an SQL exception.
The exception handler, upon fielding this exception, updates the MIB information in the data.
Internet Explorer can exhibit poor or erratic behavior, such as repainting excessively, not fully displaying
sub-menu options, not keeping up with mouse movement, and sometimes showing menu cascades with scroll
bars and other unusual formatting.
Internet Explorer has several settings that alleviate or eradicate these issues:
Solution 1:
Select StartSettingsControl PanelInternet OptionsSecurityTrusted sites and click
2. In the Add this Web site to the zone field, enter the HP SIM system as https://<system
name>:50000 and click Add.
3. Click OK.
Note: This solution is specifically (and only) for the problem described as not fully displaying
sub-menu options.
Solution 2:
Select ToolsInternet OptionsGeneralTemporary Internet FilesSettingsCheck for
newer versions of stored pages.
2. Select the Microsoft default of Automatically. The setting of Every visit to the page causes the
3. Click OK.
Solution 3:
Select ToolsInternet OptionsAdvancedSecurityDo not save encrypted pages to
2. Use the Microsoft default of unselected. Selecting this option causes the problem. HP SIM already
marks all encrypted pages to not be stored by the browser. HP SIM does allow caching of images
and style sheets; selecting this setting disables caching of those resources as well, which degrades
I ran discovery, but when I go to the Tools menu, the command line tools are not present.
In HP SIM, menus are refreshed only after accessing a new URL or clicking the browser refresh
After upgrading HP SIM, there are two menu options for License Manager.
This could happen if Virtual Machine Management Pack is using License Manager in an unsupported
mode and the version of Virtual Machine Management Pack in use is a legacy version.
After installing OpenSSH on a managed system, I cannot find the .ssh directory.
The .ssh directory is not created by the SSH installer. Run mxagentconfig on the CMS, and
enter the target system name (such as, hpsystem) and credentials.
I am receiving errors when running OpenSSH, such as %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
Search the root directory for a folder or file named Program. If this file exists, delete it. If this folder
exists, rename it or delete it if the folder is empty.
When deploying OpenSSH, the installation times-out or ends in an error.
The problem might be that the domain that the target systems are in is too large. The mkgroup
command, which runs as part of the OpenSSH install, is finding a large number of defined Domain Groups
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