HP-UX Directory Server 8.1 plug-in reference

Table Of Contents
Table 7-7 Information processed during an LDAP modify RDN operation
DescriptionData typeParameter ID
DN of the entry that you want to rename.
New RDN to assign to the entry.
Specifies whether to delete the old RDN.
0 = Do not delete the old RDN.
1 = Delete the old RDN
DN of the new parent of the entry, if the entry is
being moved to a new location in the directory tree.
The modify RDN function should check the following:
If the operation has been abandoned, the function should return -1.
You do not need to call “slapi_send_ldap_result()” to send an LDAP error code to the client.
According to the LDAP protocol, the client does not expect a server response after an
operation is abandoned.
If the entry is a referral entry (that is, an entry with the object class ref) and no manageDSAIT
control is included with the request, the function should call “slapi_send_ldap_referral()”
to send a referral and return -1.
To determine if a manageDSAIT control is present, call “slapi_pblock_get()” to get the value
of the SLAPI_MANAGEDSAIT parameter. If the value is 1, the control is included in the
request. If the value is 0, the control is not included in the request.
If the entry does not exist, check the following:
If the closest matching entry is a referral entry, and if no manageDSAIT control is
included in the request, the function should call “slapi_send_ldap_referral()” to send
a referral and return -1.
Otherwise, the function should call slapi_send_ldap_result() to send an LDAP
error code [LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT] and return -1.
If the entry is not schema-compliant (call “slapi_entry_schema_check()” to determine this),
the function should call slapi_send_ldap_result() to send the LDAP error code
[LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION] and should return -1.
If the RDN of the entry contains attribute values that are not part of the entry (for example,
if the RDN is uid=bjensen, but the entry has no uid value or has a different uid value),
the function should call slapi_send_ldap_result() to send the LDAP error code
[LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN] and should return -1.
If the requester does not have permission to modify the entry (call “slapi_access_allowed()”
to determine this), the function should call slapi_send_ldap_result() to send the
LDAP error code [LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS] and should return -1.
You should also verify that the ACI syntax for the entry is correct; call “slapi_acl_check_mods()”
to determine this.
If the modifyRDN function is successful, the function should call slapi_send_ldap_result()
to send an [LDAP_SUCCESS] code back to the client and should return 0.
7.9 Processing an LDAP delete operation
When the Directory Server receives an LDAP delete request from a client, the front end gets the
DN of the entry to be removed from the directory. The front end makes this information available
7.9 Processing an LDAP delete operation 67