HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

DTANH intrinsics function, 632
DTBMV routine, 657
DTBSV routine, 657
DTIME routine, 648
DTPMV routine, 657
DTPSV routine, 657
DTRMM routine, 657
DTRMV routine, 657
DTRSM routine, 657
dummy arguments, 171
agreement with actual arguments, 171
alternate return argument, 164
arrays, 60, 65, 172, 674
assumed-shape arrays, 61
CALL statement, 291
COMMON statement, 302
Cray-style pointer, 425
DATA statement, 313
duplicated association, 177
ENTRY statement, 349, 350
EQUIVALENCE statement, 353
explicit-shape arrays, 60
EXTERNAL attribute, 358
FUNCTION statement, 363
glossary, 674
in generic procedures, 184
in statement function, 169
initialization, 94
INTENT statement, 178, 388
OPTIONAL statement, 416, 417
pointers, 174
procedure definition syntax, 161
procedures, 174, 358
RETURN statement, 452
scalars, 172
SEQUENCE statement, 460
specification expressions, 95
SUBROUTINE statement, 474
TYPE statement, 481
duplicated association, 177
dusty deck programs, 674
dynamic objects, creating, 428
DZASUM routine, 656
DZNRM2 routine, 656
E edit descriptor, 249
edit descriptors
A, 244
B, 246
binary, 246
blank, 248
BN, 248
byte remaining, 260
BZ, 248
character (A and R), 244
character string, 241
colon, 243
complex data type, 241
D, 249
derived types, 241
E, 249
EN, 249
errors, 661
ES, 249
F, 249
G, 249
H, 254
hexadecimal, 261
Hollerith, 254
I, 254
integers, 254
L, 256
logicals, 256
newline, 242
O, 258
octal, 258
overview, 239
P, 259
plus sign, 261
pointers, 241
Q, 260
R, 244
real, 249
repeat factor, 239
S, 261
scale factor, 259
slash, 243
SP, 261
SS, 261
T, 261
tab, 261
TL, 261
TR, 261
X, 261
Z, 261
elemental intrinsics, 504
glossary, 674
in expressions, 95