HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

CALL, 291
computed GO TO, 149, 366
CONTINUE, 146, 310
CYCLE, 147, 311
DO, 326
EXIT, 147, 357
logical IF, 150, 370
PAUSE, 151, 423
STOP, 152, 464
unconditional GO TO, 149, 367
flow of execution, 137
intrinsic subroutine, 551
FLUSH routine, 649
FMT= specifier
READ statement, 440
WRITE statement, 496
FNUM intrinsic function, 552
FORK routine, 649
FORM= specifier
errors, 664, 665
INQUIRE statement, 378
OPEN statement, 412
format specification
character arrays, 264
DECODE statement, 319
embedded, 264
ENCODE statement, 338
errors, 661
FORMAT statement, 361
interaction with I/O list, 266
nested, 265
overview, 235
PRINT statement, 432
READ statement, 440
syntax, 238
WRITE statement, 496
FORMAT statement, 361
errors, 661
formatted I/O, 237
labels, 45
module syntax, 190, 191
scoping units, 47
statement order, 46
formatted (I/O)
records, 203
formatted I/O
direct-access files, 215
edit descriptors, 239
errors, 661, 666
format specification, 237
PRINT statement, 432
READ statement, 443
sequential files, 209
WRITE statement, 498
FORMATTED= specifier
INQUIRE statement, 378
formatting data, 235
binary, 246
blanks, 248
bytes remaining, 260
character, 244
engineering notation, 251
FORMAT statement, 237
hexadecimal, 261
Hollerith, 254
incompatibility errors, 667
integers, 254, 256
newline, 242
octal data, 258
plus sign, 261
reals, 249
record termination, 243
repeat specification, 266
scale factor, 259
scientific notation, 251
tab, 261
formatting rules
list-directed I/O, 210
namelist I/O, 214
block data program unit, 284
Cray-style pointer, 425
DO loop, 141, 310, 311, 328
ENTRY statement, 351, 416
statement function, 169, 308
FPUTC routine, 649
FRACTION intrinsic function, 552
FREE intrinsic, 552
Cray-style pointer, 426