HP-UX 11i Java™ JDK/JRE Version 7.0.09 Release Notes

Addition of try-with-resources statement
Enhanced type checking, which allows for improved ability to catch multiple
exception types and better analysis of rethrown exceptions
User Interface
Addition of JLayer class for Swing components
Nimbus Look and Feel (L&F) moved to standard API namespace for ease of use
Improvements for mixing heavyweight (AWT) and lightweight (Swing) components
in the same container
Support for non-rectangular shaped and translucent windows
Addition of Hue-Saturation-Luminance (HSL) Color Selection
New TransferQueue interface within Collections framework
New fork/join framework within the Concurrency utilities, which provides the
ability to take full advantage of muliple processors
Support for multithreaded custom class loaders within java.lang
Java I/0
Inclusion of a Zip file system provider
Security and Networking
Support for classes and resources loaded from a particular codebase and from
JAR files
The Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) provides access to high performance network
Inclusion of several new ECC-based algorithms (ECDSA/ECDH)
Ability to disable weak cryptographic algorithms
Addition of SSL/TLS support enhancements to Java Secure Socket Extension
Java SE 7 Features 7