HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.3.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

For P9500 and XP24000/XP20000, if you delete the specified virtual parity group, the virtual
parity group and the THP/Smart volumes contained in that virtual parity group are also deleted.
For P9500, if you delete specified THP/Smart volumes, the virtual parity group that contains the
THP/Smart volumes is also deleted.
For XP24000/XP20000, if you delete specified THP volumes, you cannot delete the virtual parity
group that contains the THP volumes.
Format for P9500
When the command is used to specify a virtual parity group, and delete both the virtual parity group
and the THP/Smart volumes in that virtual parity group:
hdvmcli [URL] DeleteVirtualVolume [options]
model=model serialnum=serial-number
When the command is used to delete specified THP/Smart volumes only:
hdvmcli [URL] DeleteVirtualVolume [options]
model=model serialnum=serial-number
Format for XP24000/XP20000
When the command is used to specify a virtual parity group, and delete both the virtual parity group
and the THP volumes in that virtual parity group:
hdvmcli [URL] DeleteVirtualVolume [options]
model=model serialnum=serial-number [deletionoption=force]
When the command is used to delete specified THP volumes only
hdvmcli [URL] DeleteVirtualVolume [options]
model=model serialnum=serial-number [deletionoption=force]
If the microcode version is 60-04-XX-XX/XX or later and the system option 726 is set to ON,
you cannot specify this format. If you specify this format, an error will occur.
Table 39 DeleteVirtualVolume command parameters
DescriptionStatusParameter name
Serial number of the storage systemRequired
Command reference106