Command Reference Guide

About This Manual
SQL/MX Connectivity Service Administrative Command Reference526350-005
Related Documentation
Programming Manuals
SQL/MX Programming
Manual for C and COBOL
Describes how to embed SQL/MX statements in
ANSI C and COBOL programs.
SQL/MX Programming
Manual for Java
Describes how to embed SQL/MX statements in
Java programs according to the SQLJ standard.
Specialized Guides
SQL/MX Installation and
Management Guide
Describes how to plan for, install, create, and
manage an SQL/MX database. Explains how to use
installation and management commands and
SQL/MX Query Guide Describes how to understand query execution
plans and write optimal queries for an SQL/MX
SQL/MX Data Mining Guide Describes the SQL/MX data structures and
operations to carry out the knowledge-discovery
SQL/MX Queuing and
Publish/Subscribe Services
Describes how SQL/MX integrates transactional
queuing and publish/subscribe services into its
database infrastructure.
SQL/MX Report Writer Guide Describes how to produce formatted reports using
data from a NonStop SQL/MX database.
SQL/MX Connectivity
Service Manual
Describes how to install and manage the SQL/MX
Connectivity Service (MXCS), which enables
applications developed for the Microsoft Open
Database Connectivity (ODBC) application
programming interface (API) and other connectivity
APIs to use SQL/MX.
SQL/MX Guide to Stored
Procedures in Java
Describes how to use stored procedures that are
written in Java within SQL/MX.
Online Help
The SQL/MX Online Help consists of:
Reference Help Overview and reference entries from the SQL/MX
Reference Manual.
Messages Help Individual messages grouped by source from the
SQL/MX Messages Manual.
Glossary Help Terms and definitions from the SQL/MX Glossary.
NSM/web Help Context-sensitive help topics that describe how to
use the NSM/web management tool.
Visual Query Planner Help Context-sensitive help topics that describe how to
use the Visual Query Planner graphical user