Command Reference Guide

SQL/MX Connectivity Service Administrative Command Reference526350-005
1 MXCS Architecture Overview
The NonStop SQL/MX connectivity service (MXCS) includes support for remote
connections to the SQL/MX database, such as ODBC and JDBC. An associated
MXCS configuration database allows creation of site-specific information to customize
the ODBC facility to a specific use or application. This guide describes the commands
for administrating the ODBC facility and the MXCS configuration database.
The MXCS administrative commands provide a command-line interface that can be
scripted to administer the SQL/MX ODBC features. The commands are packaged in
MXCI with SQL/MX commands and report writer commands. MXCI must be running to
access these commands. An operating mode within MXCI directs commands to the
proper command handlers.
If MXCS is installed on the system, the administrative commands are operational.
Because MXCS often requires setup before it accesses applications, use these
commands to configure MXCS initially (before it is started) and tune the configuration
while it is operational. Some of the commands are persistent through subsystem
shutdown, such as ADD DS, while others affect only currently running services or
servers, such as START SERVICE or STOP SERVER.
MXCS administrative commands use command-line format. You enter MXCS
administrative commands from a keyboard or from a command file after starting MXCI.
NSM/web, a Web-based GUI, administers the same objects that are administered
through the command-line and MXCS administrative commands. However, NSM/web
does not support command files, and it must first be installed on the system.
This section describes:
Features and Functionality on page 1-1
Architecture Overview on page 1-2
User Interface With MXCI on page 1-4
General Features on page 1-4
Software Installation on page 1-5
Complex System Configuration on page 1-5
Error Message Overview on page 1-7
Features and Functionality
Administers ODBC MXCS in NonStop SQL/MX Release 2.0 ABA and later
Provides a scriptable command-line interface through MXCI on an HP NonStop
operating system (OS)
Reports if a command fails to supply requested information
Note. MXCS administrative commands do not administer the JDBC/MX product or the
SQL/MX database itself.