Command Reference Guide

Object DS Commands
SQL/MX Connectivity Service Administrative Command Reference526350-005
This command adds one DS to the MXCS configuration on the system.
Command syntax is:
[[[\system-name.][$service-name | *].]ds-name]
is the name of the current system of up to 16 CPUs with the same Expand
address and where the target MXCS process is running. system-name and
service-name identify one service instance.
is the name of the MXCS association server that handles or processes the
command or the asterisk (*) wild card. The new DS is added to all services in
either case. An asterisk (*) causes connection to the database rather than to
any specific service, and it is the only valid value when no services are active.
is the name of the DS to be added (created) and cannot be the asterisk (*) wild
card. It must be a new name or the command will fail.
COPY old-ds-name
is the name of any existing DS used as a model for the new one on the same
system. It is an SQL identifier. The name must be a DS component name only and
not a system or service name. All attributes of this existing DS are defaults for the
new one. Parameters specified on this ADD command override values copied from
the existing DS. The CpuList values must all come from the command-line or
from the old DS. If you specify one of these numbers on the input, specify them all.
All attributes from the existing DS copy into the new DS, creating a clone of the
ADD DS [obj-name][, COPY old-ds-name]
[, MaxServer count][, IdleServer count][, InitServer count]
[, IdleTimeout timeout-val][, ConnTimeout timeout-val]
[, StartAutomatic [OFF]][, InitPri priority-val]
[, Trace [OFF]][, CpuList cpu-val][, AllStat [OFF]]
[, SQLExecuteStat [OFF]][, SQLExecDirectStat [OFF]]
[, SQLStmtStat [OFF]][, SQLFetchStat [OFF]]
[, SQLPrepareStat [OFF]][, SessionInfoStat [OFF]]
[, ConnInfoStat [OFF]];
Note. ds-name is an SQL identifier and is therefore case-sensitive. When using lowercase
characters, enclose ds-name in quotes to preserve the lowercase characters. Failure to do so
causes ds-name to be automatically uppercased during command execution, which can cause
errors. Enter the default ds-name as