Command Reference Guide

2.5 NAME 30
Configure a new FSE drive from the configuration file standalone_drive.fse:
fsedrive ––add standalone_drive.fse
Remove the configured FSE drive named lib_drive_01:
fsedrive ––remove lib_drive_01
Remove the configured FSE drive named drive_AB; skip confirmation:
fsedrive ––remove drive_AB –F
Show the current configuration of the FSE drive named system_drive:
fsedrive ––show system_drive
Show the configuration revision 4 of the FSE drive named system_drive_-
fsedrive –s system_drive_backup 4
Show the configuration history depth for the FSE drive named standalone_-
fsedrive ––show standalone_drive –history
Copy the first (oldest) configuration revision of the FSE drive named lib_-
drive_03 to a file lib_drive_03_cfg_1.fse in the current directory:
fsedrive ––show lib_drive_03 1 > lib_drive_03_cfg_1.fse
Apply a new configuration for the FSE drive named standalone from the
configuration file standalone–new.fse:
fsedrive ––modify standalone standalone–new.fse
List names and states of the currently configured FSE drives:
fsedrive ––list
Retrieve additional information about the currently configured FSE drives:
fsedrive ––list ––detail
Disable the FSE drive named drive_5:
fsedrive ––disable drive_5
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference