Command Reference Guide

2.6 NAME 37
It is required for recall of an older file generation.
Absolute path pointing to a directory on a non–HSM file system, where the
recalled file generation is saved.
–M, –migrate
Put files specified by the FileName... argument on the corresponding migra-
tion candidate list. If certain specified file is offline, it will be recalled first.
This options comes handy in situations when:
file is present on the HSM file system but had not been recognized by
the FSE system for some reason. Adding it to the migration candidate
list with this command preserves its attributes;
the file is already migrated to an FSE medium that has its current status
set to UNRELIABLE or it is obviously worn out. In these cases the
file can be re–migrated to another FSE medium.
If specified file is already migrating or present on the release candidate
list it cannot be added to the migration candidate list.
–S, –release
Unconditionally release files, specified by the FileName... argument. All
files must be located on the same HSM file system. The purpose of this
operation is to gain free space on an HSM file system by releasing (large)
files from it. The files released this way must be on the release candidate
list. Consult File System Extender Documentation for details on the uncon-
ditional release process.
–T, –trigger–migration
Trigger migration job for files that are currently present on the migration
candidate list on FSE partition PartitionName.
Trigger migration job for files that were not migrated because migration of
those files failed.
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference