Owner manual

AM456-9026A HP VMA SAN Gateway Users Guide 121
show stats media
The structure of the
show stats media commands is identical to the show media commands
described above, except that these commands also support a
continuous option to display a
continually updating view of the statistics.
If the
continuous option is specified, the display of statistics is updated continually. Use CTRL+
C to exit the display.
The command
show stats media is an alias for show stats media block id all. The
command returns information about storage media devices on the local San Gateway and omits all
non-block storage media.
vSHARE Block Storage Management Commands
This section describes CLI commands for configuring and managing block storage:
Managing Containers on page 121
Managing Initiator Groups on page 122
Managing LUNs on page 122
Managing Targets on page 124
Managing Containers
The show containers command returns information about the storage containers on a San
Gateway cluster including the node, container name, the number of LUNs, the space allocated, and
the space free.
SM075 [MY-vSHARE00: master] # show stats media
Media Stats Summary (sampled @10 secs)
Read (bytes/s) Write (bytes/s)
Location Media ID Current Last 5m Current Last 5m
unknown-00 Fender1002 36.81M 34.90M 35.91M 37.21M
unknown-01 Strad130 46.27M 46.00M 32.72M 33.62M
# show containers
Container LUNs Total Free Ports HostnameA HostnameB
C-1 0 199G 199G A,B <hostname> <hostname> Single
C-2 150 199G 50176M A,B <hostname> <hostname> Single