User's Manual

UHF Digital Hybrid Wireless
Rio Rancho, NM
Menu Item Descriptions
This setup screen displays the audio output level of the
receiver in dBu when the transmitter is fully modulated.
Press the MENU/SEL button to toggle between receiver
1 and receiver 2. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to
change the level. Range is from -50 to +5 dBu in 1 dB
steps. Press the BACK button to leave this screen.
The output levels at the two jacks may be set indepen-
dently, regardless of the diversity mode setting.
Restores the factory default settings.
LOCALE (Band C2 units only)
The LOCALE setup screen has two settings, “--” and
“JA”. If “JA” is selected, C2 band coverage stops at
713.9 MHz. If “--” is selected, C2 band coverage goes
all the way to 716.775 MHz.
See the section entitled Finding Clear Frequencies
with SmartTune
Navigate to this menu item to manually initiate the IR
sync transfer. Hold the IR ports on the transmitter and
receiver facing each other a foot or two apart and press
the UP arrow for channel 1 or the DOWN arrow for
channel 2. Watch for a confirmation on the transmitter
LCD to verify the settings were correctly transferred. If
one or both settings could not be enabled on the trans-
mitter, an error message will appear on its screen.
See the section entitled Finding Clear Frequencies
with Manual Scanning.
The SWITCH diversity mode (dual channel mode) al-
lows the two internal receivers to operate independently
on different frequencies and settings with two different
transmitters. Diversity reception uses an antenna phase
switching technique on each receiver. When this mode
is selected, the setup screens will prompt you to select
the receiver to be adjusted.
The RATIO mode combines the two internal receiv-
ers to pick up the same transmitter and mix their audio
outputs in a ratio panning mode. In this mode, the setup
screen for frequency will prompt you for a single value
which will automatically be set for both receivers.
This is a special function that re-directs the audio output
of the transmitter in use to the channel 2 output when
a button is pressed on the transmitter. The normal use
is to provide a com channel so the person using the
transmitter can have a direct line to the crew or produc-
tion staff that is not sent to the program output. The
HHa hand held transmitter provides a programmable
switch on the housing that can be configured for this
Ta lkBk
Programmable button
As long as the button
is held in, the audio
will appear at the
channel 2 output.
When the button is
released, the audio
output will switch
back to channel 1.
To enable this mode,
simply select Talk-
back in the menu and use the UP and DOWN arrow
buttons to turn the function on. The mode must also be
enabled on the transmitter.
Talkback works the same way in either the SWITCHED
or RATIO diversity modes, but ONLY works in the HY-
BRID compatibility modes.
NOTE: When Talkback is enabled, only receiver 1 and
a blinking TB will appear in the Main Window.
Compatibility modes adjust the FM deviation and audio
processing (companding) to match other Lectrosonics
models and some models from other manufacturers.
NA HYBR North American Digital Hybrid Wireless
NU HYBR ETSI compliant Nu Digital Hybrid Wireless®
MODE 3 Other manufacturer*
200 SER 200 Series transmitters
100 SER 100 Series transmitters
JA MODE3 Japan Other manufacturer*
JA HYBR Japan Digital Hybrid Wireless
MODE E Other manufacturer*
EU HYBR European Digital Hybrid Wireless
300 SER 300 Series transmitters (European)
MODE 7 Other manufacturer*
MODE 6 Other manufacturer*
IFB SER Standard IFB mode
NOTE: Make certain the COMPAT mode is set to
match the mode in the transmitter for optimum audio
quality. If the modes are not matched, the audio will be
distorted or noisy, or there may be no audio at all.