User guide

Some say the denition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, expecting dierent results. By that
denition, the Mysteron IS insanity.
Simply put, it is a voltage controlled Digital Waveguide algorithm; however, that does not completely explain all of its
behaviors. The Mysteron algorithm is a bit of a mystery even to those of us involved in its design. Despite being
completely digital, it is highly organic, displaying variation in outcome often seen only in nature. It is a formless blob
of DSP that you grow, modulate, and patch into new sonic territories- some vaguely recognizable and others
completely otherworldly.
For a long time, the Mysteron project had no name. It was later referred to as “Mystery Module and then just “???”
Finally, the module was named for the extraterrestrials in the long forgotten BBC television series: “Captain Scarlet
and the Mysterons. Those Mysterons discovered the secret of retrometabolism or re-generation. They had the
ability to alter matter and to recreate the exact likeness of any object once the original object had been destroyed, or
de-generated. Because the Mysteron algorithm shared some of these qualities (as well as a some unidentiable
behaviors), the name seemed to t to those of us working on the project.
cv router
wa egu d 1v i e
wa e u d 2v g i e
Map of the Mysteron.