User's Manual

Quantum 1000 Base Station User
When installing this equipment, observe the following precautions to minimize the danger of pe
NEVER install equipment if there is a chance of lightning or other adverse weather conditions.
NEVER install in a wet location unless the equipment is specifically designed for wet locations.
NEVER touch uninsulated
wires or terminals unless the wire has been disconnected at the
Network interface.
ALWAYS use caution when installing or modifying cables.
ESD Warning:
WARNING: Always assume that all components and assemblies are static sensitive and always
follow local ESD-
prevention guidelines to prevent equipment damage.
WARNING: For any external power supply that provides the power source for the PureWave
equipment, replace any power supply fuse with the same rating or equivalent, otherwise
PureWave Networks will not be responsible for any subsequent damage to its equipment.
Use normal caution when installing or modifying cables. Dangerous voltages may be present. It is
also considered imprudent to install during a lightning storm.
Always dis
connect all lines and power connections before servicing or disassembling this
For performance and safety reasons, only power supplies listed for use with telephone equipment
by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) should be used wi
Refer to the installation section of the appropriate instruction manual for the unit you are installing
Cabling information
Proper connections
Grounding information
All wiring external to the product(s) should follow the provisions of th
National Electrical Code.
These units contain no user serviceable components. Only authorized Service Personnel should service
or repair these units. "Use only isolated Class 2 Power Source, Rated 48V dc 5.0A Minimum."
Quantum 1000 Base Station User
Rev 1.1, Page
ALWAYS use caution when installing or modifying cables.
prevention guidelines to prevent equipment damage.
also considered imprudent to install during a lightning storm.
by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) should be used wi
th equipment.
Cabling information
Proper connections
Grounding information
All wiring external to the product(s) should follow the provisions of th
e current edition of the
Rev 1.1, Page
8 of 70
When installing this equipment, observe the following precautions to minimize the danger of pe
NEVER install equipment if there is a chance of lightning or other adverse weather conditions.
NEVER install in a wet location unless the equipment is specifically designed for wet locations.
wires or terminals unless the wire has been disconnected at the
WARNING: Always assume that all components and assemblies are static sensitive and always
WARNING: For any external power supply that provides the power source for the PureWave
equipment, replace any power supply fuse with the same rating or equivalent, otherwise
PureWave Networks will not be responsible for any subsequent damage to its equipment.
Use normal caution when installing or modifying cables. Dangerous voltages may be present. It is
connect all lines and power connections before servicing or disassembling this
For performance and safety reasons, only power supplies listed for use with telephone equipment
th equipment.
Refer to the installation section of the appropriate instruction manual for the unit you are installing
e current edition of the
These units contain no user serviceable components. Only authorized Service Personnel should service
or repair these units. "Use only isolated Class 2 Power Source, Rated 48V dc 5.0A Minimum."