Users Manual Part 3

Vehicle Monitoring and Locating System Mobile Video Computing Solutions LLC
Tow Truck Installation Procedures
35 September 21, 2021
11. Event Switch and Power Takeoff Installation
This section describes the installation procedures for a driver’s side dashboard-mount Event
Switch assembly and for connecting an MDVR sensor input to the vehicle’s power takeoff
activation circuits. The Event Switch can be used by the driver to place a mark in the recording
for later access when a significant roadway event has occurred which can’t be detected by
system sensors. The Power Takeoff (PTO) connection will automatically mark the recording
everytime the system is activated for loading and unloading events.
Event Switch Assembly
Installation Steps
1) Choose an appropriate mounting location on the driver’s side dashboard which has room
behind for the switch. Remove any trim panels to gain access.
2) Drill a hole just large enough to accommodate the Event Switch.
3) Install the Event Switch through the hole and secure with the included nut.
4) Route the wires to the MDVR and connect per the schematic.
5) Determine if the vehicle has a PTO switch which switches +12V in the dashboard and
connect the IO_SENSOR 2 wire to that switch. If the PTO switch is digital and controls
an ECU elsewhere, you will need to locate the output of the switched relay either under
the dash or behind the cab to access the +12V whenever the PTO is activated.