- Networking Dynamics Corporation CompuFax User Manual

Description: Directs display output to a file instead of to the screen. The created file can later be displayed
on a suitable terminal, using the DCL TYPE command.
Format: / PAGE=nnn
Description: Specifies the height (length) of the displayed image, which is measured in dots, or as
specified by the / UNIT qualifier. This value must be greater than zero. You can use this qualifier to view one
section of a page at a time, for improved legibility.
Format: / START_PAGE=nnn
Description: Specifies the first page of the fax document to be displayed. If the qualifier is omitted,
display starts at the first page. If the specified starting page exceeds the total number of fax pages, no bitmap
data will be displayed.
Format: / TOP_MARGIN=nnn
Description: Specifies the amount of white space between the top edge of the document and the displayed
image. This is measured in dots or as specified by the / UNIT qualifier. A negative top margin means that
some portion at the top of the document will not be displayed at all.
Format: / UNIT=DOTS (D)
Description: Specifies the unit of measure for left margin, top margin and page height. Fax resolution is
204 dots per inch horizontally and 196 dpi vertically. There are 25.4 millimeters per inch and 72 points per
inch. If the / UNIT qualifier is omitted, the unit defaults to dots.
7.2 Directives
It is possible to embed various directives within files to control the way a document is processed. These
directives are processed at the time the document is actually sent. File directives must start at the beginning of
a line with nothing but white space before them. A file directive is introduced with the characters "# # " as the
first non-white space characters on the line. These characters may be followed by optional spaces and the
directive. There may be parameters associated with a directive which may be delimited with quotes (quotes are
necessary if the parameter includes spaces). Comments may be included on the line by placing an exclamation
mark before the comment. The directive may be upper case, lower case or mixed. If no directive is specified
between "# # " and the end of line or "!", the line is treated as a comment and is not processed.
In addition to the file directives described here, there are additional directives that pertain only to mail-merge.
These are documented with the mail-merge function.
7.2.1 File Directives
Format: # # BREAKUP