Network Router - Networking Device User Manual

48 ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide
Display a brief usage message.
Standard Input
The psiadmin command reads standard input for directives until end of file is reached, or the exit or quit
directive is read.
Standard Output
If Standard Output is connected to a terminal, a command prompt will be written to standard output when
psiadmin is ready to read a directive.
If the -e option is specified, psiadmin will echo the directives read from standard input to standard output.
Standard Error
The psiadmin command will write a diagnostic message to standard error for each error occurred.
Extended description
If psiadmin is invoked without the -c or -f option and standard output is connected to a terminal, psiadmin
will repeatedly write a prompt to standard output and read a directive from standard input.
Directives can be abbreviated to their minimum unambiguous form. A directive is terminated by a new line
character or a semicolon. Multiple directives may be entered on a single line. A directive may extend across
lines by escaping the new line character with a back-slash "\".
Comments begin with the # character and continue to end of the line. Comments and blank lines are ignored
by psiadmin.
Upon startup psiadmin tries to find the file .psiadminrc first in the current directory and then in the user's
home directory. Only the first one found is really considered. Each directive found within this file is handled
silently before going either into interactive or batch mode (using the -f flag).
Interactive directives
Whenever the psiadmin is started into interactive mode, it will prompt for directives unless the -q flag is
used. The same directives are accepted in batch mode, too. Directives may be abbreviated as long as they
are unique. They can be expanded using the TAB-key, analogous to some shell tab expansion features.
A command history is stored in ~/.psiadm_history. See readline(3) for more information on command
expansion and command history.
Almost all directives accept an optional parameter nodes. This contains either a comma-separated list
of node ranges to act on, each of the form from[-to]. If the to part is missing, the single node from is
represented by this range. In principle nodes might contain an unlimited number of ranges.
Otherwise the value of nodes might be all. Then all nodes of the ParaStation cluster are selected within
this directive.