Network Router - Networking Device User Manual

ParaStation5 Administrator's Guide 55
rl_sigpending [nodes]
Show RLIMIT_SIGPENDING on this node.
rl_stack [nodes]
Show RLIMIT_STACK on this node.
supplementaryGroups [nodes]
Show supplementaryGroups flag.
statusBroadcasts [nodes]
Show the maximum number of status broadcasts initiated by lost connections to other daemon.
rdpTimeout [nodes]
Show the RDP timeout configured in ms.
deadLimit [nodes]
Show the dead-limit of the RDP status module. See also parastation.conf(5).
statusTimeout [nodes]
Show the timeout of the RDP status module. See also parastation.conf(5).
rdpClosedTimeout [nodes]
Show the closed timeout within the RDP facility in milli-seconds. See also parastation.conf(5).
rdpResendTimeout [nodes]
Show the resend timeout within the RDP facility in milli-seconds. See also parastation.conf(5).
rdpMaxACKPend [nodes]
Show the maximum ACK pending counter within the RDP facility. See also parastation.conf(5).
sleep [sec]
Sleep for sec seconds before continuing to parse the input.
Print various version numbers.
Privileged directives
Some directives are only available for privileged users, i.e. only root can execute these directives.
add [nodes]
Start the ParaStation daemon psid(8) on the selected node(s).
add only tries to start the ParaStation daemon on the selected node(s). If it is not possible to start
the daemon, no error message occurs. The current status of the nodes can be checked using the list