Data Sheet

Version 1.1
go invent
This means that the host has to read 16 additional
bytes on top of each packet to have access to all
the meta-data. If the host is only interested in the
payload itself + the channel and the data rate
used, then payload + 2bytes is enough.
Transmitter Packet Engine
The Pyg ate transmitter c
an be used to s
packets. The
parameters can
programmed with each packet:
- Radio channel
- FSK or LoRa modulation
- Bandwidth, data rate, coding rate (in LoRa mode),
bit rate and Fdev (in FSK mode)
- RF output power
- Time of departure (immediate or differed based on
the gateway hardware clock with 1us accuracy)
All those dynamic parameter fields are sent
alongside the payload in the same data buffer.
The data buffer can only hold a single packet at a
time (next packet to be sent). The scheduling and
ordering task is let to the host micro-processor.
The host micro-processor can program the exact
time of departure of each packet relative to the
gateway hardware clock. The same clock is used to
tag each packet received with a 32bits
timestamp. The same 32bits time stamp principle is
used in TX mode to indicate when to transmit
exactly. This removes the real time constraint from
the host micro-processor and allows very precise
protocol timing.( For example, if the protocol
running on the end point expects and acknowledge
exactly one sec after the end of each packet of its
uplink). The host micro-processor pulls the uplink
packet from the RX packet engine, realizes that it
must send an acknowledge, takes the uplink packet
time stamp, simply increments it by 1 sec and uses
that value to program the time of departure of the
acknowledge packet. Exactly one second (+/- 1us)
after the uplink packet was received, the gateway
will transmit the
desired acknowledge packet. This allows very
tight reception interval windows on the battery
powered end points hence improved battery life.
Detection correlation SNR
+15 payload size
+16 payload size
+17 payload size