Installation guide

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Memo ry an d C PU allo cat ion
The Memory and CPU Allocation window displays. Choose appropriate values for the
virtualized CPUs and RAM allocation. These values affect the host's and guest's
Guests require sufficient physical memory (RAM) to run efficiently and effectively. Choose a
memory value which suits your guest operating system and application requirements.
Remember, guests use physical RAM. Running too many guests or leaving insufficient
memory for the host system results in significant usage of virtual memory and swapping.
Virtual memory is significantly slower which causes degraded system performance and
responsiveness. Ensure you allocate sufficient memory for all guests and the host to operate
Assign sufficient virtual CPUs for the guest. If the guest runs a multithreaded application,
assign the number of virtualized CPUs the guest will require to run efficiently. Do not assign
more virtual CPUs than there are physical processors (or hyper-threads) available on the
host system. It is possible to over allocate virtual processors, however, over allocating has a
significant, negative effect on guest and host performance due to processor context switching
Red Hat En t erp rise Lin ux 5 Virt ualizat ion Guid e