Installation guide

8.2. Inst alling Red Hat Ent erprise Linux as a fully virt ualized guest
This section covers installing a fully virtualized Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 guest. This procedure
covers both the KVM and the Xen hypervisors; the steps are interchangeable and different steps are
The KVM hypervisor requires Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or newer.
Pro ced u re 8.3. Creat in g a fu lly virt u aliz ed Red Hat En t erp rise Lin u x 5 g u est wit h virt -
man ag er
O p en virt - man ag er
Start virt-manager. Launch the Virt u al Machin e Man ag er application from the
Ap p licat io n s menu and Syst em To o ls submenu. Alternatively, run the virt-manager
command as root.
Select t h e hyp erviso r
Select the hypervisor. If installed, select Xen or KVM. For this example, select KVM. Note that
presently KVM is named qemu.
Chapt er 8 . G uest operat ing syst em inst allat ion pro cedu res