Installation guide

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 requires:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 requires:
modules-init-tools (for versions prior to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6z you require
modules-init-tools-3.1-0.pre5.3.4.el4_6.1 or greater), and
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 requires:
You require at least 50MB of free disk space in the /lib file system.
12.2. Para-virt ualizat ion Rest rict ions and Support
This section outlines support restrictions and requirements for using para-virtualized drivers on Red
Hat Enterprise Linux.
Su p p o rt ed G u est Op erat in g Syst ems
Support for para-virtualized drivers is available for the following operating systems and versions:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1 and newer.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Update 6 and newer.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 9 and newer.
You are supported for running a 32 bit guest operating system with para-virtualized drivers on 64 bit
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Virtualization.
The table below indicates the kernel variants supported with the para-virtualized drivers. You can
use the command shown below to identify the exact kernel revision currently installed on your host.
Compare the output against the table to determine if it is supported.
# rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}\n' kernel
The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 i686 and x86_64 kernel variants include Symmetric
Multiprocessing(SMP), no separate SMP kernel RPM is required.
Take note of processor specific kernel requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Guests in the table
T ab le 12.1. Su p p o rt ed g u est kern el arch it ect u res f o r p ara- virt u aliz ed d rivers
Kern el Arch it ect ure Red Hat En t erp rise
Lin u x 3
Red Hat En t erp rise
Lin u x 4
Red Hat En t erp rise
Lin u x 5
athlon Supported (AMD)
athlon-SMP Supported (AMD)
i32e Supported (Intel)
i686 Supported (Intel) Supported Supported
Red Hat En t erp rise Lin ux 5 Virt ualizat ion Guid e
14 8