Installation guide

# virsh vcpuinfo {domain-id, domain-name or domain-uuid}
An example of virsh vcpuinfo output:
# virsh vcpuinfo r5b2-mySQL01
CPU: 0
State: blocked
CPU time: 0.0s
CPU Affinity: yy
Co n f ig u rin g virt u al C PU af f in it y
To configure the affinity of virtual CPUs with physical CPUs:
# virsh vcpupin domain-id vcpu cpulist
The domain-id parameter is the guest's ID number or name.
The vcpu parameter denotes the number of virtualized CPUs allocated to the guest.The vcpu
parameter must be provided.
The cpulist parameter is a list of physical CPU identifier numbers separated by commas. The
cpulist parameter determines which physical CPUs the VCPUs can run on.
Co n f ig u rin g virt u al C PU co u n t
To modify the number of CPUs assigned to a guest with virsh:
# virsh setvcpus {domain-name, domain-id or domain-uuid} count
The new count value cannot exceed the count above the amount specified when the guest was
This feature is unsupported and known not to work in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
Co n f ig u rin g memo ry allo cat io n
To modify a guest's memory allocation with virsh :
# virsh setmem {domain-id or domain-name} count
You must specify the count in kilobytes. The new count value cannot exceed the amount you specified
when you created the guest. Values lower than 64 MB are unlikely to work with most guest operating
systems. A higher maximum memory value does not affect an active guests. If the new value is lower
the available memory will shrink and the guest may crash.
Disp layin g g u est b lo ck d evice in f o rmat io n
Use virsh domblkstat to display block device statistics for a running guest.
# virsh domblkstat GuestName block-device
Red Hat En t erp rise Lin ux 5 Virt ualizat ion Guid e