Installation guide

Disp layin g g u est n et wo rk d evice in f o rmat io n
Use virsh domifstat to display network interface statistics for a running guest.
# virsh domifstat GuestName interface-device
Mig rat in g g u est s wit h virsh
A guest can be migrated to another host with virsh. Migrate domain to another host. Add --live for
live migration. The migrate command accepts parameters in the following format:
# virsh migrate --live GuestName DestinationURL
The --live parameter is optional. Add the --live parameter for live migrations.
The GuestName parameter represents the name of the guest which you want to migrate.
The DestinationURL parameter is the URL or hostname of the destination system. The destination
system requires:
the same version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
the same hypervisor (KVM or Xen), and
the libvirt service must be started.
Once the command is entered you will be prompted for the root password of the destination system.
Man ag in g virt ual n et wo rks
This section covers managing virtual networks with the virsh command. To list virtual networks:
# virsh net-list
This command generates output similar to:
# virsh net-list
Name State Autostart
default active yes
vnet1 active yes
vnet2 active yes
To view network information for a specific virtual network:
# virsh net-dumpxml NetworkName
This displays information about a specified virtual network in XML format:
# virsh net-dumpxml vnet1
<forward dev='eth0'/>
<bridge name='vnet0' stp='on' forwardDelay='0' />
<ip address='' netmask=''>
Chapt er 2 6 . Man aging guest s wit h virsh