Installation guide

This manual was written in the DocBook XML v4.3 format.
This book is based on the work of Jan Mark Holzer, Chris Curran and Scott Radvan.
Other writing credits go to:
Don D utile contributed technical editing for the para-virtualized drivers section.
Barry Donahue contributed technical editing for the para-virtualized drivers section.
Rick Ring contributed technical editing for the Virtual Machine Manager Section.
Michael Kearey contributed technical editing for the sections on using XML configuration files with
virsh and virtualized floppy drives.
Marco Grigull contributed technical editing for the software compatibility and performance
Eugene Teo contributed technical editing for the Managing Guests with virsh section.
Publican, the publishing tool which produced this book, was written by Jeffrey Fearn.
The Red Hat Localization Team consists of the following people:
Simplified Chinese
Leah Wei Liu
Traditional Chinese
Chester Cheng
Terry Chuang
Kiyoto Hashida
Eun-ju Kim
Sam Friedmann
Hedda Peters
Francesco Valente
Brazilian Portuguese
Glaucia de Freitas
Leticia de Lima
Red Hat En t erp rise Lin ux 5 Virt ualizat ion Guid e