Programming Instructions

Programming screen « Setup menu » Page 28/78
General programming instructions
a) Volume measure setting configuration [1431]
Press to open the following screen.
E01 – Volume Sensor enabled
- By checking or unchecking the check box you can choose to enable/disable the conductivity sensor.
It’s disabled by default.
Sensor Volume DI1
- Select the type of sensor to associate to the measurement, on this selection button we find the
information of type (Volume) and input (DI1). Press to change it.
Unit Automatic
- Sensor unit measurement information. The system will adapt automatically the unit depending of the
value. This option is blocked.
When selecting the measurement, the controller will automatically complete the parameter configuration
files using the information from the first compatible sensor available in its list. You can change this
configuration if necessary.
E01 – Volume Enabled
Measure setting
E01 – Volume
Measure enabled
Sensor Volume
Unit Automatic