User manual
2.4.8 Oscillator Divider 1 Register (OSCDIV1)
PLL Controller
The oscillator divider 1 register (OSCDIV1) is shown in Figure 11 and described in Table 17 . The oscillator
divider 1 controls divider for OBSCLK, dividing down from the MXI/CLKIN clock. For PLLC1, the OBSCLK
is connected to CLKOUT0 pin. OSCDIV1 only applies to PLLC1, and should not be used on PLLC2.
Figure 11. Oscillator Divider 1 Register (OSCDIV1)
31 16
15 14 5 4 0
OD1EN Reserved RATIO
R/W-1 R-0 R/W-0
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; - n = value after reset
Table 17. Oscillator Divider 1 Register (OSCDIV1) Field Descriptions
Bit Field Value Description
31-16 Reserved 0 Reserved
15 OD1EN Oscillator divider 1 enable.
0 Oscillator divider 1 is disabled.
1 Oscillator divider 1 is enabled. For OBSCLK to toggle, both the OD1EN bit and the OBSEN bit in the
clock enable control register (CKEN) must be set to 1.
14-5 Reserved 0 Reserved
4-0 RATIO 0-1Fh Divider ratio. Divider value = RATIO + 1. For example, RATIO = 0 means divide by 1.
26 Phase-Locked Loop Controller (PLLC) SPRUES0B December 2007
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