TMS320DM644x DMSoC Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller User's Guide
Table 8. MMC Status Register 0 (MMCST0) Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit Field Value Description
5 CRCWR Write-data CRC error.
0 A write-data CRC error has not been detected.
1 A write-data CRC error has been detected.
4 TOUTRS Response time-out event.
0 A response time-out event has not occurred.
1 A time-out event has occurred while the MMC controller was waiting for a response to a command.
3 TOUTRD Read-data time-out event.
0 A read-data time-out event has not occurred.
1 A time-out event has occurred while the MMC controller was waiting for data.
2 RSPDNE Command/response done.
0 No receiving response is done.
1 Response successfully has received or command has sent without response.
1 BSYDNE Busy done.
0 No busy releasing is done.
1 Released from busy state or expected busy is not detected.
0 DATDNE Data done
0 The data has not been fully transmitted.
1 The data has been fully transmitted.
Note: 1) As the command portion and the data portion of the MMC/SD controller are
independent, any command such as CMD0 (GO_IDLE_STATE) or CMD12
(STOP_TRANSMISSION) can be sent to the card, even during block transfer. In this
situation, the data portion detects this and waits, releasing the busy state only when the
command sent was R1b (to be specific, command with BSYEXP bit), otherwise it
continues transferring data.
2) Bit 12 (TRNDNE) indicates that the last byte of a transfer has been completed. Bit 0
(DATDNE) occurs at end of a transfer, but not until the CRC check and programming has
Multimedia Card (MMC)/Secure Digital (SD) Card Controller44 SPRUE30B September 2006
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