Serial RapidIO (SRIO) User's Guide
4.3.4 Error, Reset, and Special Event Interrupt Condition Status and Clear Registers
Interrupt Conditions
Table 36. Interrupt Conditions Shown in LSU_ICSR and Cleared With LSU_ICCR (continued)
Bit Associated LSU Interrupt Condition
6 LSU1 Retry Doorbell response received or Atomic test-and-swap was not allowed (semaphore in
5 LSU1 Transaction was not sent due to DMA data transfer error
4 LSU1 Transaction timeout occurred
3 LSU1 Transaction was not sent due to unsupported transaction type or invalid field encoding
2 LSU1 Transaction was not sent due to Xoff condition
1 LSU1 Non-posted transaction received ERROR response, or error in response payload
0 LSU1 Transaction complete, No errors (posted/non-posted)
The ICSR and the ICCR for the SRIO ports are shown in Figure 53 . As described in Table 37 , each of the
nonreserved status and clear bits corresponds to a particular interrupt condition in one or more of the
SRIO ports. The ICS bits of ERR_RST_EVNT_ICSR indicate the occurrence of the conditions. The ICC
bits of ERR_RST_EVNT_ICCR are used to clear the corresponding ICS bits.
Figure 53. Error, Reset, and Special Event Interrupt Condition Status and Clear Registers
Error, Reset, and Special Event Interrupt Condition Status Register (ERR_RST_EVNT_ICSR) (Address Offset 0270h)
31 17 16
Reserved ICS16
R-0 R-0
15 12 11 10 9 8 7 3 2 1 0
Reserved ICS11 ICS10 ICS9 ICS8 Reserved ICS2 ICS1 ICS0
R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0
Error, Reset, and Special Event Interrupt Condition Clear Register (ERR_RST_EVNT_ICCR) (Address Offset 0278h)
31 17 16
Reserved ICC16
R-0 W-0
15 12 11 10 9 8 7 3 2 1 0
Reserved ICC11 ICC10 ICC9 ICC8 Reserved ICC2 ICC1 ICC0
R-0 W-0 W-0 W-0 W-0 R-0 W-0 W-0 W-0
LEGEND: R = Read only; W = Write only; - n = Value after reset
Table 37. Interrupt Conditions Shown in ERR_RST_EVNT_ICSR and Cleared
Bit Interrupt Condition
31–17 Reserved
16 Device reset interrupt from any port
15–12 Reserved
11 Port 3 error (TMS320TCI6482 Only)
10 Port 2 error (TMS320TCI6482 Only)
9 Port 1 error
8 Port 0 error
7–3 Reserved
2 Logical layer error management event capture
1 Port-write-in request received on any port
0 Multi-cast event control symbol interrupt received on any port
SPRUE13A September 2006 Serial RapidIO (SRIO) 91
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