- TMS370 Microcontroller/Gang Programmer User's Guide

Understanding Your Input at the Cursor Prompt
Operating in the Configuration Window
2.4 Understanding Your Input at the Cursor Prompt
The programmer software often requires you to enter a response to a prompt
or to move the cursor to a value on the screen and modify it.
The previous or default value for the prompted parameter value is always dis-
played. You can accept the displayed default or former value by pressing only
in response to the prompt.
If you type a new value, the characters are highlighted, and the cursor ad-
vances to the next field position.
Only the highlighted characters are accepted
by the programmer
. For example, assume that the displayed default value is
020 (the underscored character indicates the cursor position). If you type 8
over the default value, you would see 80
20 on the screen (the boldface char-
acter indicates the highlighted character on the screen). If you then pressed
the ENTER key, the value entered would be 0008,
All numeric input values are hexadecimal except for the V
, V
, and
program-pulse-duration-time values, which are decimal.
Table 2–1 lists special control keys. The effect of each key is given for both text
and numeric fields. Any control key not listed in the table has the same effect
Table 2–1. Edit Control Keys
Key Function
Terminates input and accepts current value.
Text: Inserts a space.
Numeric: Terminates input and accepts current value.
Text: Erases character to the left of cursor and backs up one space.
Numeric: Erases character to the left of cursor and backs up one space.
Text: Subsequently typed characters are inserted at the cursor posi-
tion; characters to the right of the cursor are moved right, even
out of the field. Remains in effect until the INSERT key or
another control key is typed.
Numeric: No effect.
Text: Deletes character at cursor.
Numeric: No effect.
Text: Moves cursor left one space without erasing.
Numeric: Moves cursor right one space without erasing.
Text: Moves cursor right to the next character and highlights it.
Numeric: Moves cursor right to the next character and highlights it.