Instruction manual

Accumulated Score Level
400 Level 1 to Level 2
800 Level 2 to Level 3
1200 Level 3 to Level 4
Hi there. Let’s play! By turning the LCD screen to one of the four sides,
you can play one of these four games:
1. True or False Math
A math equation will be shown. It may be
true or false. Press either the “True” or “False”
button to answer within the time limit. You have
only one chance to answer each question.
Three wrong answers will automatically end
the game and the player can choose to play
again from the beginning. The score will
reset to 0.
2. Missing Patterns
A sequence in a pattern is given with one or
more missing pictures. Choose the correct
missing picture that completes the pattern.
Three choices of possible answers are shown
at the bottom that correspond to the three
buttons. Press the corresponding button
to answer within the time limit. You have
only one chance to answer each question.
Three wrong answers will automatically
end the game and the player can choose
to play again from the beginning. The score
will reset to 0.