User manual - Scripting_Guide

CETerm Scripting Guide Page 32
MessageBox Display a standard Windows MessageBox.
PlaySound Play a wave file on the device.
PlayTone Play a tone on the device.
Sleep Pause the script execution.
StopSound Stop an asynchronous playing PlaySound sound.
WaitForProcess Wait for the specified process to end.
Alert( message )
Show the user a simple text message and wait for them to press OK.
Beep( )
Sound the default Windows beep tone.
status = Exec( programFile, commandLine )
Start the specified program. Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
Use GetErrorMessage() to convert a non-zero status to a text message. You
should immediately save the property LastExecProcess after a successful Exec
call to obtain the process ID for later use in WaitForProcess or KillProcess.
The programFile should be a fully qualified filename.
text = GetErrorMessage( error )
Returns a descriptive text message for the specified Windows error.
status = KillProcess( processID )
Attempts to stop the specified process. Returns 0 for success, non-zero for
failure. You must obtain the processID from the property LastExecProcess
immediately after a successful Exec call.
result = MessageBox( message, title, flags )
Display a standard Windows message box. The title is displayed in the message
box title bar. The flags are used to specify the icon and buttons that are visible.
Returns a value corresponding to the button pushed to close the dialog. See
Appendix 4 for flag definitions.