User manual - Scripting_Guide

CETerm Scripting Guide Page 38
status = DeleteKey( keyname )
Deletes an existing key and all values. Returns 0 for success or non-zero for an
error. Delete will fail if a key has sub-keys.
status = DeleteValue( keyname, valuename )
Deletes the specified value in an existing key. Returns 0 for success or non-zero
for an error.
keylist = EnumerateKeys( keyname )
Return a list of sub-keys of the specified key. See Appendix 4 for key names and
definitions. Each sub-key in the list is separated by the current StringSeparator
property value.
keylist = EnumerateValues( keyname )
Return a list of values of the specified key. See Appendix 4 for key names and
definitions. Each value name in the list is separated by the current
StringSeparator property value.
status = FlushKey( keyname )
Performs a Windows CE “RegFlushKey” on the specified key. Some older
devices use this to trigger a save of the current registry to persistent memory.
Do not use FlushKey unless directed by the device manufacturer. Returns 0 for
success, non-zero for error.
type = GetValueType( valuename )
Gets the data type for the specified value. Use a fully qualified value name that
starts with a root key. Returns 0 for success or non-zero for an error.
data = ReadValue( valuename )
Read the data from the specified value. Use a fully qualified value name that
starts with a root key. Binary values are returned as a list of comma separated