User manual - Scripting_Guide

CETerm Scripting Guide Page 39
hexadecimal digits. MULTI_SZ strings are separated with the current
StringSeparator property value.
data = ReadValueVBArray( valuename )
Read the data from the specified value. Return the data as a Visual Basic array.
Use a fully qualified value name that starts with a root key. It is usually best to
use the ReadValue method and split the values using JavaScript. In rare
circumstances a true array may be needed. It is not possible to return a
JavaScript array, but it is easy to convert a Visual Basic array into a JavaScript
array using the VBArray object. For example:
var valuename = "HKLM\\Comm\\PY21BG1\\Parms\\TcpIp\\DhcpDNS";
var vbarray = new VBArray( OS.Registry.ReadValueVBArray( valuename );
var jsarray = vbarray.toarray();
status = WriteValue( valuename, valuedata, datatype )
Write the specified value. Use a fully qualified value name that starts with a root
key. WriteValue will create the containing key if it does not exist. Binary values
are submitted as a list of comma separated hexadecimal digits. MULTI_SZ
strings are separated with the current StringSeparator property value. Returns 0
for success, non-zero for error. See Appendix 4 for root key names and datatype
definitions. Common datatypes are “REG_SZ” for a string and “REG_DWORD”
for a DWORD value.
The Registry object has the following property.
Property Description Values
StringSeparator Text string that separates MULTI_SZ
values. Default: "<|>"