HP 3PAR OS 3.1.3 Command Line Interface Reference

The following example dismisses virtual volume vv1 from Group1:
cli% dismissrcopyvv vv1 Group1
The following example dismisses all virtual volumes that start with the name testvv from Group1:
cli% dismissrcopyvv -pat testvv* Group1
The following example dismisses volume vv1 from Group1 and removes the corresponding volumes
of vv1 on all the target systems of Group1.
cli% dismissrcopyvv -removevv vv1 Group1
The following example dismisses volume vv2 from Group2 and retains the resync snapshot
associated with vv2 for this group.
cli% dismissrcopyvv -keepsnap vv2 Group2
The dismissrcopyvv command removes any remote-copy synchronization snapshots
affiliated with the removed volume.
If a group’s target has the mirror_config policy set and the group is a primary group, this
command is mirrored to that target and the volume is removed from the corresponding
secondary group. If the policy is set and the group is a secondary, this command fails.
dismissrcopyvv 159