HP Serviceguard Developer's Toolbox Version B.12.00.00 For HP-UX and Linux

To use the test tool, untar the SG-toolbox-testtool.tar in to Toolkit configuration directory.
The tool consists of two scripts named choapp.conf and choapp.sh. Configure the
choapp.conf file as below:
DescriptionVariable Name
The variable takes in the cluster name on which the test is
being run as the value.
For example, CL_NAME=TbxCluster
The variable takes in the absolute path of the Toolkit
configuration directory.
The variable takes in the Package name on which the test
is to be run.
For example, PKG_NAME=pkg1
The variable takes in the name of the application that is
being tested. For Toolbox, the value must always be
For example, APP=toolbox
The variable indicates the duration until which the package
is to be run on any node before its failover. The time
specified must be in minutes.
For example, CHO_SLEEP=2
The variable indicates the duration up to which the test
must be run. The time is specified in minutes. Normally the
package is tested for 48 hours, that is, 2880 minutes of
After the configuration is complete, run the choapp.sh script to begin the test:
#nohup <toolkit configuration directory>/choapp.sh &
The output is logged in the cho <package name>.log file in the toolkit configuration directory.
Related documentation
For related information, see the latest versions of the following documents:
Managing Serviceguard manual at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs or http://
High Availability Solutions section of the HP website at http://www.hp.com/go/serviceguard.
Modular package support in Serviceguard for Linux Toolkits manual at http://www.hp.com/
Modular package support in Serviceguard for Linux and ECMT Toolkits manual at http://
14 High Availability (HA) Toolkits