HP Serviceguard Developer's Toolbox Version B.12.00.00 For HP-UX and Linux

A MySQL Toolkit scripts
MySQL Toolkit is used to bring MySQL Database Server into HP Serviceguard environment.
Package Configuration File (pkg.conf):
# **********************************************************************
# **********************************************************************
# ******* Note: This file MUST be edited before it can be used. ********
# * For complete details about package parameters and how to set them, *
# * consult the Serviceguard manual.
# **********************************************************************
# "package_name" is the name that is used to identify the package.
# Package names must be unique within a cluster.
# Legal values for package_name:
# Any string that starts and ends with an alphanumeric character, and
# contains only alphanumeric characters, dot(.), dash(-), or underscore(_)
# in between.
# Maximum length is 39 characters
# package_name mysql_pkg
# "package_description" specifies the application that the package runs.
# package_description specifies the application that the package
# runs. This is a descriptive parameter that can be set to any value you
# choose, up to a maximum of 80 characters. Default is "Serviceguard
# Package".
# Example:
# If the package is running the sendmail application, then
# package_description can be set to:
# package_description "Sendmail application"
# If the package is running the Apache and Tomcat applications, then
# package_description can be set to:
# package_description "Apache and Tomcat applications"
# Legal values for package_description: package_description "Serviceguard Package"
# "module_name" specifies the package module from which
# this package was created. Do not change the module_name.
# "module_version" indicates the version of the module included in the
# package configuration file. Do not change "module_version".
# Legal values for module_name: <Any String>
# Legal values for module_version: (value >= 0)
module_name sg/basic
module_version 1
module_name tkit/toolbox/toolbox
module_version 1
module_name sg/service
module_version 1
module_name sg/all
module_version 2
module_name sg/failover
module_version 1
module_name sg/priority
module_version 1
module_name sg/dependency
module_version 1
module_name sg/weight
module_version 1
module_name sg/monitor_subnet
module_version 1
module_name sg/package_ip
module_version 1
module_name sg/volume_group
module_version 1
module_name sg/filesystem
module_version 1
module_name sg/pev
module_version 1
module_name sg/external_pre
module_version 1
module_name sg/external
module_version 1
module_name sg/acp
module_version 1
module_name sg/pr_cntl
module_version 2