HP Serviceguard Developer's Toolbox Version B.12.00.00 For HP-UX and Linux

# must have "node_fail_fast_enabled" set to "yes".
# Legal values for node_fail_fast_enabled: yes, no. node_fail_fast_enabled no
# "run_script_timeout" is the number of seconds allowed for the package to start.
# "halt_script_timeout" is the number of seconds allowed for the package to halt.
# If the start or halt function has not completed in the specified
# number of seconds, the function will be terminated. The default is
# "no_timeout". Adjust the timeouts as necessary to permit full
# execution of each function.
# Note: The "halt_script_timeout" should be greater than the sum of
# all "service_halt_timeout" values specified for all services.
# Legal values for run_script_timeout: no_timeout, (value > 0). run_script_timeout no_timeout
# Legal values for halt_script_timeout: no_timeout, (value > 0). halt_script_timeout no_timeout
# "successor_halt_timeout" limits the amount of time
# Serviceguard waits for packages that depend on this package
# ("successor packages") to halt, before running the halt script of this
# package.
# Permissible values are 0 - 4294 (specifying the maximum
# number of seconds Serviceguard will wait).
# The default value is "no_timeout", which means Serviceguard
# will wait as long as it takes for the successor packages to halt.
# A timeout of 0 indicates that this package will halt without
# waiting for successors packages to halt
# Example:
# successor_halt_timeout no_timeout
# successor_halt_timeout 60
# Legal values for successor_halt_timeout: no_timeout, ( (value >= 0) && (value <= 4294) ).
successor_halt_timeout no_timeout
# "script_log_file" is the full path name for the package control script log
# file. The maximum length of the path name is MAXPATHLEN characters long.
# If this parameter is not set, script output is sent to
# $SGRUN/log/<package_name>.log.
# Legal values for script_log_file:<Any String>
script_log_file /usr/local/cmcluster/mysql/log
# "operation_sequence" defines the order in which the individual script
# programs will be executed in the package start action. The package halt action
# will be executed in the reverse order.
# This attribute or list must not be modified. It is not supported if modified.
# Legal values for operation_sequence: <Any String>
operation_sequence $SGCONF/scripts/sg/pr_cntl.sh
operation_sequence $SGCONF/scripts/sg/external_pre.sh
operation_sequence $SGCONF/scripts/sg/volume_group.sh
operation_sequence $SGCONF/scripts/sg/filesystem.sh
operation_sequence $SGCONF/scripts/sg/package_ip.sh
operation_sequence $SGCONF/scripts/tkit/toolbox/tkit_module.sh
operation_sequence $SGCONF/scripts/sg/external.sh
operation_sequence $SGCONF/scripts/sg/service.sh
# "log_level" controls the amount of information printed
# during validation and package startup or shutdown time.
# "log_level" controls the amount of information printed to stdout when
# the package configuration is validated, and to the script_log_file
# when the package starts up and shuts down. Legal values are 0 through
# 5, where 0 is the least amount of logging and 5 is the most. log_level
# 5 includes all information from level 0 to 5. The default value is 0.
# Level 0 : user visible informative messages
# Level 1 : slightly more detail user visible informative messages
# Level 2 : messages provide logic flow
# Level 3 : messages provide detailed data structure information
# Level 4 : debugging information that provides detailed data
# Level 5 : function call flow
# Legal values for log_level: ( (value >= 0) && (value <= 5) ).
# "failover_policy" is the policy to be applied when package fails.
# This policy will be used to select a node whenever the package needs
# to be started or restarted. The default policy is "configured_node".
# This policy means Serviceguard will select nodes in priority order
# from the list of "node_name" entries.
# An alternative policy is "site_preferred". This policy means
# that when selecting nodes from the list of "node_name" entries,
# Serviceguard will give priority to nodes that belong to the site the
# package last ran on, over those that belong to a different site.