Data migration of an existing Microsoft Windows CMS to a new Insight Software 6.3 system

Before Export:
1. Sign in to the source CMS with operating system-level administrative privileges. Be sure this is the
same user that installed the Insight Software.
2. Open a command prompt:
a. Navigate to Start menuRun.
b. Type cmd, and then click OK. The command prompt window appears.
3. Navigate to <STUDIO_INSTALL_DIR>\tools directory.
4. Run the steps below for each OO repository (a total of 6 repositories listed in the table below)
`repoutil -export -loginurl "
https://localhost:16443" -u Admin -p <OO_ADMIN_PASSWORD> -1
<OO_REPOSITORY_DIR> -2 <EXPORT_DIR > -x "/Library/Hewlett-Packard"`
OO_ADMIN_PASSWORD is the OO Administrator password.
OO_REPOSITORY_DIR and EXPORT _DIR are specific to each repository defined below:
repository to export)
EXPORT _DIR (empty
output directory)
Central RasRepo
Any empty dir, e.g.:
Central backup repo
Any empty dir, e.g.:
Central Default Local
Any empty dir, e.g.:
Studio RasRepo
Any empty dir, e.g.:
Studio Default Local
< STUDIO _INSTALL_DIR>\studiorepo
Any empty dir, e.g.:
Studio backup repo
< STUDIO _INSTALL_DIR>\default\repo
Any empty dir, e.g.:
<CENTRAL_INSTALL_DIR> is OO Central installation directory, typically installed at “C:\Program
Files\HP\Operations Orchestration\Central”.
<STUDIO_INSTALL_DIR> is OO Studio installation directory, typically installed at “C:\Program
Files\HP\Operations Orchestration\Studio.”
For example:
For Central Default Public Repository, assume CENTRAL_INSTALL_DIR is “C:\Program
Files\HP\Operations Orchestration\Central”, then OO _REPOSITORY_DIR is “C:\Program
Files\HP\Operations Orchestration\Central\rcrepo” and the export command is:
`repoutil -export -loginurl "https://localhost:16443" -u Admin -p MyOOAdminPassword -1
“C:\Program Files\HP\Operations Orchestration\Central\rcrepo” -2 C:\AnyEmptyDirecotry -x
The safe location is mentioned several times in this white paper. If the source
CMS is to be retained and not used as the target CMS, then the source CMS can
be a safe location. These files can then be copied later directly from the source
CMS. If the same hardware is used for the target CMS as well, then you must
locate some shared storage to be used as the safe location, that can host the copies
of the various customer specific files noted in this white paper.