NetWare Client for DOS and MS Windows User Guide

Configuring Client Workstations for Desktop SNMP Services
Configuring Client Workstations for Better Performance
Configuring Client Workstations for Better
To improve performance of the Desktop SNMP software, you can configure
your client workstation to load one or more Desktop SNMP .VLM files in
conventional memory.
To load all .VLM files in conventional memory, use the VLM /MC switch
when running the VLM manager. See “NetWare DOS Requester Option” in
Chapter 2 of NetWare Client for DOS and MS Windows Technical
Reference for more information.
To load a Desktop SNMP .VLM files in conventional memory, add lines
with the following syntax to the NET.CFG file:
netware dos requester
vlm = vlm_name.vlm
load low vlm_name = on
For example, to load Desktop SNMP while loading the WSASN1.VLM and
WSREG.VLM files in conventional memory, add the following lines to the
NET.CFG file:
netware dos requester
vlm = wssnmp.vlm
vlm = wstrap.vlm
vlm = wsreg.vlm
vlm = wsasn1.vlm
vlm = wsdrvprn.vlm
load low wsreg = on
load low wsasn1 = on