Using the HP DTC Manager/UX

Checking the log files
Checking the log files
In general, reading the appropriate log file can provide you with a better idea of
where the problem is. The log files are as follows:
For dtcconfig, look in /var/opt/dtcmgr/log/dtcconfig.log.
For dtcmodifyconfs, look in
For dtclist, look in /var/opt/dtcmgr/log/dtclist.log.
For dtcdiag, look in /var/opt/dtcmgr/log/dtcdiag.log.
For rbootd, look in /var/adm/rbootd.log.
For dtcnmd, look in /var/opt/dtcmgr/log/dtcnmd.log and
When using the commands, you can use the parameter -l with the number 0, 1, 2,
or 3 (only available with some modules) to specify the level of detail written to the
log file (for example, dtcconfig -l2). See the man pages for more information.