Using the HP DTC Manager/UX

Installing DTC Manager/UX with HP-UX 10.x
Preparing the environment for the required daemon processes
Before you can run DTC Manager/UX, you must configure certain parameters in the
/etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons file. This is necessary to ensure that the
required daemons will be started automatically when your system is rebooted.
Checking the name of LAN device file
1 Execute the lanscan command to display the list of physically connected LAN
devices on your system.
2 Look for the Net-Interface Name defined in the information displayed by
lanscan. Identify the LAN device file name that corresponds to the LAN on
which your DTCs are connected (lan0, for example).
Configuring the netdaemons configuration file
The /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons configuration file contains data related to
Internet Services.
1 Open the netdaemons configuration file with your text editor (or use ch_rc) and
go to the following lines:
To make the rbootd daemon start automatically when the system is booted,
ensure that the value at the end of the START_RBOOTD line is set to 1 as shown
Note No space is allowed after the equal (=) sign.
2 Verify that all LAN devices connected to the DTC(s) are declared in the
Note The DTC Manager supports up to four LAN devices.
Enter the full path name of each LAN device (separate each device name with a
space) as shown below:
Version 10.00/10.01/10.10/10.20
export RBOOTD_DEVICES=”/dev/lan0 /dev/lan1 /dev/lan3”
From Version 10.30
export RBOOTD_DEVICES=”lan0 lan1 lan3”