HP-UX Directory Server 8.1 plug-in reference

Table Of Contents
char buf[ 128 ];
struct berval cred;
struct berval *servcred;
int version;
/* get a handle to an LDAP connection */
if ( (ld = ldap_init( "localhost" , 389 )) == NULL ) {
perror( "ldap_init" );
return( 1 );
/* Set the LDAP protocol version supported by the client
* to 3. (By default, this is set to 2. Extended operations
* are part of version 3 of the LDAP protocol.) */
version = LDAP_VERSION3;
ldap_set_option( ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version );
/* authenticate */
cred.bv_val = "magic" ;
cred.bv_len = sizeof( "magic" ) - 1;
if ( ldap_sasl_bind_s( ld, "uid=bjensen,ou=people,l=US,
dc=example,dc=com" , "babsmechanism" ,
&cred, NULL, NULL, &servcred ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_sasl_bind_s" );
return( 1 );
/* get and print the credentials returned by the server */
printf( "Server credentials: %s\n" , servcred->bv_val );
/* construct the list of modifications to make */
mod0.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE;
mod0.mod_type = "mail" ;
vals0[0] = "babs@example.com" ;
vals0[1] = NULL; mod0.mod_values = vals0;
mod1.mod_op= LDAP_MOD_ADD;
mod1.mod_type = "description" ;
time( &now );
sprintf( buf, "This entry was modified with the modattrs program on %s" ,
ctime( &now ));
/* Get rid of \n which ctime put on the end of the time string */
if ( buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] == '\n' ) {
buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] = '\0';
vals1[ 0 ] = buf;
vals1[ 1 ] = NULL;
mod1.mod_values = vals1;
mods[ 0 ] = &mod0;
mods[ 1 ] = &mod1;
mods[ 2 ] = NULL;
/* make the change */
if ( ldap_modify_s( ld, "uid=bjensen,ou=people,l=US,
dc=example,dc=com" , mods ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) {
ldap_perror( ld, "ldap_modify_s" );
return( 1 );
ldap_unbind( ld );
printf( "modification was successful\n" );
return( 0 );
80 Defining functions for authentication