Improving Performance in Virtualization Manager Version 4.0

How to Create a Custom Collection
In the left pane of the HP SIM window, click Customize…. You can perform this action as either a
normal user or as an administrator. If you choose normal user, the resulting collection appears under
the Private heading and is visible only to that user. If you choose administrator, the resulting
collection can be visible to all users. The following example collection is created as an administrator.
First, click New… and select one of the options under New Collection at the bottom of the screen
(The option you choose depends on how you want to set up your collection.) Because this example
sets up a collection of ESX VM hosts to be managed as a group the members are chosen individually.
From the Choose from: list, select VM Hosts or All ESX Hosts or some other collection that
shows the set of systems. Then select the hosts you want in include in the custom collection, and click
the double right-angle bracket (>>) to transfer the hosts to the right-hand list. Then click Save As
Collection…, give the collection a name, and choose where you want it to appear.