Technical data

Autostar IP
3. File
The file menu contains a number of commands for opening and closing image files, and printing
The Open command from the File menu or the button of the Tool Bar allows you open either images or
spectrographs in any of the following formats:
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (16bit grayscale)
FITS - Flexible Information Transport System (8 or 16 bit or floating point grayscale)
BMP - Windows Bitmap Format (8 bit grayscale, 256 color, or 24 bit color)
LNX - Spectra Source Lynxx format (12 bit grayscale)
ST7 - Santa Barbara Instrument Group (16 bit grayscale)
ST6 - Santa Barbara Instrument Group (16 bit grayscale)
ST4 - Santa Barbara Instrument Group (8 bit grayscale)
08B - Raw (8 bit grayscale). Similar to ST4.
In addition there is a RAW format for reading unknown image formats.
Images may only be saved in TIFF, FITS or BMP formats.
To open a file:
- Select the desired format.
- Select the directory and filename from the list boxes
- Enter the desired filename in the edit box.
If the filename is specified without an extension, a default extension will be automatically added to the
filename to reflect the current format. If the extension is provided, it will over-ride the current selection