Technical data

Autostar IP
Regardless of the file type, the image data will be converted to 16 bit integer data. This assures that high
precession is maintained throughout image processing.
If the image is an RGB color image, you will be prompted as to which color plane you wish to load. The
following dialog will appear:
If you select Load As Color Image, the program will load all three color planes and display the image. As
an astronomical image processing program, Autostar IP is designed primarily to work on gray scale
images. Some of the more advance processing features will not be available when a color image is
loaded. If you wish to apply these more sophisticated techniques, load each plane individually, process it
and save it in a temporary file. These can later be combined back together to form the desired color
8 Bit versus 12 or 16 Bit or Floating Point Grayscale Images
When 12 or 16 bit or Floating point images are loaded, they need to be scaled down to 8 bits (256 gray
levels) for display, which is the maximum number of simultaneous gray shades that Windows can display
at one time. All of the image information is loaded an processed by the program, but it needs to be
scaled down to 256 gray levels for presentation. This scaling is called Prescaling. By default the program
is options are set to automatically prescale image data. At anytime you can manually prescale the data to
suite your taste.
If you elected to disable automatic prescaling, the program displays the Image Prescale dialog box when
an image is loaded that allows manual setting of the parameters used to compress the data into an 8 bit
display format. This dialog box displays the histogram of the raw data in a large graph at the top and, at
the bottom, a smaller graph of the resulting data after the display scaling operation.