Technical data

Autostar IP
The Pseudo button constructs a pallet that contains red, green, and blue values for a generic 8 bit color
There are two scroll bars on either side of the palette display. The uppermost scroll bar changes the
starting color of the palette, while the lower one changes the width of the palette. Moving the upper scroll
bar to the right has the effect of shifting the colors to the right, moving to the left moves the colors to the
left. The lower scroll bar allows the current palette values to be expanded or compressed. Moving the
lower scroll bar to the right expands the color palette, moving it to the left, compresses it and allows up to
5 cycles of the palette.
NOTE: If the palette has been inverted using the Invert button, the action of these buttons may appear
The Invert button swaps the colors in the palette end-for-end. This is useful when displaying negative
images (those that appear as dark subjects on a light background). The button text changes to Revert to
indicate that the displayed palette is reversed.
The contour function allows you to perform an isophote analysis of the current image. This is
accomplished by drawing contour lines over the existing image. The spacing of these lines is controlled
by the Contour Interval value. For example, if the interval is set to 16, then a contour line will be drawn at
pixel value 16, 32, 48, etc.. This function is useful when trying to determine the shape of any diffuse
object such as a comet or galaxy. Using the Posterize function in the Image Scale utility will provide an
alternate method that is also useful when determining the shape of an object.
The contour process begins by building an Unsharp Mask of the current image. This is a smoothed
(blurred) version of the original image. Then the contouring algorithm is run using the smoothed image.
The resulting contour lines are then drawn over the current image. To vary the effect of the contouring,
the Region Size parameter can be changed to any desired value, a low value (3 or 4) gives a very ragged
contour line, a large value (11 or 12) provides a smooth contour. The default value of 7 is useful in most
images. You may need to experiment with different values to get the correct response for any given
The Blink command allows you to easily detect differences between two images by rapidly displaying first
the image, then the other image. When the command is first executed, it first displays each of the images
and saves a special copy of each image in memory. It then begins a high-speed toggle of the images
using the special copies. The command may be terminated at any time by hitting the Stop button.
This command is especially useful for detecting changes in brightness or position of objects from one
image to the next.
To use, load an image from the Open command from the File menu then choose the Blink command from
the Image menu. Load the image to be blinked from the Select File option and click on Start. You can
then control the Offset Adjust (x/y position of the two images) and the Rate Adjust (blinking speed) in real
Note: The images can be of different size images of different orientation.