Technical data

Autostar IP
Save As Fits Image
Displays the Save As dialog box and allows saving the current image data in a floating point FITS
formatted file. This method of saving insures that all of the information in the image is maintained. This is
the format recommended for keeping archival copies of your image data.
To save a file:
- Select the directory and filename from the list boxes
- Enter the desired filename in the Edit box.
If the filename is specified without an extension, a default extension will be automatically added to the
filename to reflect the current format. If the extension is provided, it will over-ride the current selection
Export Display As
Saves the currently display image to a file. This function is only available if the current format type is TIFF,
FITS or BMP. This command will save the image as displayed on your computer as an 8 bit or 24 bit data
in the format you request. Saving images this way will allow you to save images ready for use in
documents, but will discard part of the original image data
To save a file:
- Select the desired format.
- Select the directory and filename from the list boxes
- Enter the desired filename in the Edit box.
If the filename is specified without an extension, a default extension will be automatically added to the
filename to reflect the current format. If the extension is provided, it will over-ride the current selection
NOTE: All images are saved in the 8 bit versions of their respective format type, Some original
information may be lost.
The Revert command allows you to revert the image to the last saved version.
Selecting the Print command or pressing the Print button from the Tool Bar prints the current image on
the system’s default printer. The image is scaled so that it completely fills the printing area of the paper in
the horizontal direction. The vertical scale is then chosen to preserve the original aspect ratio of the
image. Additional information pertaining to the image is also printed at the bottom of the page, below the
Printer Setup
Displays the Printer Setup dialog box which allows the selection of any of the currently installed printers.